School of Green Living consultation

Over the last few weeks we’ve been asking the residents of Birmingham what would help them to make greener choices in their lives. Thank you to all those who shared their thoughts. 66% of those who responded said they would benefit from a digital platform that helped to track and record a household’s eco-journey.

As a result, we’re looking to explore the idea of a new digital platform. We’re looking for 12 people from Northfield, Stirchley and Balsall Heath to give us their views as we plan to make a difference to the lives of people in Birmingham. The platform will engage families and individuals to start or continue their eco-journey.

At the moment we envisage it will enable users to create a personal account that will share sustainable lifestyle changes, tips and advice, as well as record a household’s progress in relation to saving carbon, money or improving wellbeing. This will be in addition to a programme working with communities on the ground.

Over the next 8 months we will host a series of focus groups. By sharing your thoughts on content, design and how this platform could work, you will help us create a great way to promote a healthier and more sustainable Birmingham. We want the platform to be specific to the needs of the city’s communities, so to make this work effectively…we need you!

If you would like to attend our first focus group on Wednesday 18 March from 7-9pm at Northfield Ecocentre, please email either Lisa ([email protected]) or Charlotte ([email protected]) by Wednesday 5 March and let us know which area you are from. Refreshments will be provided and travel expenses reimbursed (with valid receipts).

Food For Thought
ecobirmingham update

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