A powerful way to support future generations. 

When we get to a stage in life at which we think about the legacy we want to leave for our loved ones and the wider world we think a lot about our values and priorities. You can help us strengthen the values of living sustainably and fairly by leaving ecobirmingham a gift in your Will. This is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support the environment and the communities that make up our amazing city.  

The difference your donation will make 

Financial supporters are our lifeline and incredibly valued by us. Your ongoing support plays a vital role in creating change, building greener and fairer communities and improving the lives and future of everyone in the city. Your gift will help us provide future advice, skills training and resources to help people take practical environmental action.

You can be assured that we will put your donation to good use, in line with our Ethical Fundraising Policy

Wild Holiday Bunch, Children's outdoor learning session

I chose to donate to ecobirmingham as I really like the initiatives they offer for local communities in Birmingham. In particular, the vegetable growing activities, learn to ride schemes and the children’s activities in nature. This enriches lives for communities and allows people to take part in outdoor activities they may not ordinarily be involved with.

We appreciate that your priority when making a Will is to provide for your loved ones.  Many people find that after making this provision they can leave something to a cause they hold dear in their heart. 

The type of gifts left in a Will can be chosen in a way that suits you best but do ensure you leave your gift to ecobirmingham (Charity Reg. No. 1177761). If you would like to discuss your legacy gift, please contact Michael Addison at [email protected] 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I write my will?

To write a Will, you will need to comply with your country’s laws for it to be legal. To be sure that your wishes are met, it is advisable to seek legal advice when preparing your Will. 

How do I refer to ecobirmingham in my will? 

Our official name is  ecobirmingham (UK Charity Registration Number 1177761)

Can I leave a gift and still make sure my loved ones are cared for? 

A residual gift is the perfect charitable bequest to ensure that your loved ones are cared for before you leave a gift to ecobirmingham. 

A residue is a gift of whatever is left in your Estate after you have taken care of your loved ones. It is the portion of the individual’s estate that remains after specific gifts and requests have been made, and all Estate claims have been satisfied. With a Residual Gift, family and friends come first.

Why should I leave a gift to ecobirmingham? 

We’ve been acting as a catalyst for change in the city since we established by the Quakers as Northfield Ecocentre in 2007.

With support from people like you last year we directly helped 3,073 beneficiaries. 1,168 participants said they were inspired to take positive environmental action, 1,352 participants felt more engaged with nature. We want to empower communities and improve quality of life by providing the tools for positive change.

Your gift could help us leave the planet in a better condition for the next generation of children 

How much can I leave? 

Every gift is meaningful. The value of the gift is not important, but the value of your legacy is. The sum of every little gift is sufficient to plan or deliver a new activity. But more importantly, the gift is a part of your legacy; it illustrates your values and ideals and sows the seeds of change.

What is a codicil? How do I change my will? 

A codicil is a legal document that modifies or amends a previously executed will. It may be identical to a Will or may act in replacement of one. 

The process is simple enough. A codicil is an easy way to include a gift to ecobirmingham without having to re-write your Will, but it is important to seek professional advice to ensure it is legally valid. 

What will ecobirmingham do with my gift? 

Your gift will help provide future skills training, advice sessions and increase support for new and emerging projects in communities across the city. You can find out more about our work via our Impact Reports.

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