Why make the switch?
The costs of clean energy have fallen rapidly in recent years. Moving to a tariff that includes 100% renewable electricity doesn’t mean bigger bills – in fact, most people will save money by switching. We all need to stop using coal, oil and gas and switch to limitless clean energy from sun, wind and waves.
Find out how to MAKE THE SWITCH
This year, as we change to become a new independent charity, ecobirmingham, that will help create a sustainable city, we are working in partnership with a number of organisations to find solutions for you.
As part of the Climate Action Network West Midlands (CANWM) we are pleased to promote the chance for you to make the switch to a clean and green energy supplier which will also help generate funds for local Climate Change projects.
What is clean energy?
‘Clean energy’ means power generated from the elements – sun, wind, water (rivers, tides or wave power) and biofuels (gas released by rotting food and agricultural waste). Unlike dirty electricity generated by burning fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas), clean energy has little impact in terms of climate change and air pollution. Here at ecobirmingham we use ecotricity as we have Solar Thermal and Solar PV panels that benefit from the Feed in Tarriff. However, there are lots of suppliers who can provide clean, green energy. These are the ones involved in the Big Switch.
How it helps local projects
CANWM wants as many people as possible to use clean energy and save money on their bills. Every switch means more support for clean energy and less for fossil fuels. Also, every switch will add between £10 and £20 to their Community Climate Fund. Any community group in the region can bid for up to £1,000 for projects which help prevent climate change.
Find out how to MAKE THE SWITCH