Easy Food Swaps

Looking to reduce the amount of meat and dairy you eat? Below are some simple food swaps you can try to incorporate some more sustainable, plant-based foods into your daily life:

  • Cows milk – this is possibly one of the easiest swaps you can make. Often store-bought milk alternatives have added nutrients such as vitamin B12 and calcium to add nutritional value. Soy and oat milk go well with tea/coffee, rice and coconut milks can add flavour to many recipes too. Almond milk is also a popular option, but there are concerns that it is doing more harm for the environment than good.
  • Eggs – those of you who are keen bakers know that eggs are the foundation for many recipes. Swap this for ground flax or chia seeds mixed with water – which is rich in Omega 3’s and fibre. If you’re a fan of scrambled egg in the morning, try tofu scramble – just add a little turmeric and season with salt and pepper. A simple high protein breakfast to start your day.
  • Beef mince – love a spag bol? Swap the mince for lentils or opt for mock meats such as Quorn or Beyond Meat. Beans and legumes are a fantastic source of fibre and protein, plus they tend to be considerably cheaper per portion than meat.
  • Mayonnaise – need that extra bit of sauce or dressing with a salad or sandwich? Try houmous or pesto as a tasty alternative.
  • Cheese – this is a big one for some people. There are a vast number of non-dairy cheeses in supermarkets these days. Some better than others when it comes to texture and taste. But you never know unless you try!

Small changes can make a huge difference to not only the planet, but your health and your wallet! To start, why not make one change, then slowly make more over time?

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