Coming to our biodiverse backyard this spring!

We all know that biodiversity urgently needs a boost and although our back gardens will never replace the original wild habitats, they are a great support to invertebrates, birds and larger species such as badgers and foxes. There is growing evidence that some declining species in farmlands are now more abundant in urban areas, particularly in domestic gardens, eg common frogs, song thrush and hedgehogs.
With this in mind, and with the support of a NatureSave grant, ecobirmingham is repurposing its small back garden to transform it into a biodiverse backyard including diverse habitats for wildlife.
Furthermore, with support from the Swire Trust and Veolia’s Sustainability Fund, we are excited to launch our latest project, Stories for Nature, which we hope will inspire the future generation of little David Attenborough’s in Northfield.
Stories for Nature is a pilot project. It is a series of 30 x 1 hour sessions for under 5’s and their parent/carer. Children are invited to explore the mini biodiverse hub, enjoy some fabulous stories themed around the natural world and get crafty in the garden.
All sessions will provide positive interactions with the natural world and help children become aware of their place in the world and how to help protect what they care for.
Join us Thursday 28th April at 10am for our first story then every Thursday.
Booking for our Stories for Nature is essential as space is limited. Click here for more info on how to book.