Talk Money

Talk Money Week Birmingham - Energy Saving Advice

The cost of living is impacting us all in some way, shape or form. The rising costs of bills, food and living means that financial poverty is hitting many households across the UK and we are very aware of the impact that this has on individuals, families and communities. Over time this can cause stress and also affect your mental health and physical wellbeing. 

Now more than ever it’s important that we start thinking about the way in which we use energy, spend money and make changes to our lifestyles 

At ecobirmingham we offer support to people across the city, giving residents informed advice and guidance on how to start taking steps and making changes at home which will help to save energy and money. Limiting the impact on the environment as well as improving their health and wellbeing.  

We are proud to support #TalkMoney Week and want to encourage you to join us in starting money conversations at home, at work, with family, friends and people in your community.  

Ecobirmingham are here to listen and can offer help and support through our energy projects, BrumEnergy and Centres for Warmth in Sutton Coldfield.

Along with our partners we are committed to delivering independent, high-quality home energy advice to all Birmingham residents, FREE of charge. Supporting people across Birmingham to make sustainable choices that save energy, money and improve health and wellbeing.   

How can you get involved?

Despite the current spotlight on household finances, talking about money remains a taboo, and this is affecting our health and happiness.  

Research shows that people who talk about money:  

• make better financial decisions 

• have stronger personal relationships 

• help their children form good money habits for life 

• feel less stressed or anxious and more in control 

Around half the adults in the country – that’s over 24 million people – admit to not feeling confident in making decisions about financial products and services. When it comes to energy, environment, and sustainability, we appreciate it can feel overwhelming to find the right type of support or even to know where to start.  

Joining in the conversations and making some simple changes to the way you use energy can make a big difference to your bills and to your mental health and wellbeing. You could also lower your carbon emissions, helping tackle climate change.  

Do One Thing this week #TalkMoney 

Talk Money Week Birmingham 2024 – City wide events:

Additional links and resources to help with money and energy issues in your home:

Energy Saving FAQs 
The Invisible Superheroes

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